C Everything
This is a C repository containing a curated set of generic data structures and algorithm.
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 common.hTop level include containg common headers
 fault_manager.hContains declarations of fault manager routines
 generic_def.hContains Macros that are used for defining psuedo data template functions
 logger.hDefines Macros for logging
 memory_manager.hContains decalration of structures for maintaing all mem alloc and frees
 os.hUsed for including os specific headers
 typedefs.hContains typedefs for all necessary data type and function pointers
 common.cContains routines that are commonly used by all data structures
 fault_manager.cContains definitions of fault manager routines
 generic_def.cContains routines for handling different types of data for generic operation
 logger.cContains definitions of routines for logger module
 memory_manager.cContains definitions of routines for managing memory allocs
 array.cContains definitions of routines supported by arrays
 array.hContains declations of array operations and structure
 disjoint_set.cContains definitions of routines supported by disjoint_set
 disjoint_set.hContains declations of disjoint_set types, operations and structure
 graph.cContains definitions of routines supported by graph
 graph.hContains declations of graph types, operations and structure
 heap.cContains definitions of routines supported by heap
 heap.hContains declations of heap types, operations and structure
 link_list.cContains definitions of routines supported by link list
 link_list.hContains declations of link list types, node and link list structure
 queue.cContains definitions of routines supported by queue
 queue.hContains declations of queue types, operations and structure
 stack.cContains definitions of routines supported by stack
 stack.hContains declations of stack types, operations and structure
 tree.cContains definitions of routines supported by tree
 tree.hContains declations of tree types, operations and structure
 test.cContains sample use cases/test of different data structure operations